Emiliano Esposto

My works are divided into 4 main strands of my art:

I Figurati di Pezza, where I give the word back to the images in a modern era, where art often no longer has to communicate but only decorate… in these works I tell stories, concepts, thoughts, feelings, dreams and experiences that I carry within me, finding then in the eyes of the observer the same “words”, this excites me.

On the other hand, in the abstracts I like to listen to the different readings, I always say “the work is what you see”, I express my instinct of that moment, seeking balance in the chromatic explosion. Abstract art communicates from the gut.

In the Pisces there is the carefree and naive freedom of the child we were, in the union between the Abstract and the Figurative, simple cheerful and colourful fish come to life that make us smile in their simplicity.

The Classical Dancer represents beauty in pain, elegance in sacrifice and passion in the courage of wanting to live of Art.

My path is going towards the union of these 4 strands, giving each of them their own place in the same canvas, their home.


Emiliano Esposto artist in rome

"Dream big or it is better that you sleep"

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